KMU-Hersteller in der EU sind oft unsicher über ihre Verpflichtungen im Rahmen der EU-Entwaldungsverordnung (EUDR). Hier eine kurze Erklärung:
Wenn Sie ein KMU-Hersteller in der EU sind und Produkte wie Möbel erstmals auf den EU-Markt bringen, gelten Sie gemäß der EUDR als Operator. Dennoch sind Sie nicht verpflichtet, eine Sorgfaltspflichterklärung im EU-Informationssystem abzugeben. Sie müssen jedoch:
Wenn Sie Rohstoffe oder Halbfertigwaren für Ihre Verarbeitung zukaufen, sind diese meistens bereits auf dem EU-Markt in Verkehr gebracht, und das bedeutet:
Als KMU müssen Sie die Gültigkeit dieser Referenznummern oder der zugrunde liegenden Sorgfaltspflicht nicht überprüfen.
Wenn Sie Materialien direkt aus Nicht-EU-Ländern importieren, ändert sich Ihre Rolle. In diesem Fall müssen Sie selbst Referenznummern erstellen:
FAQs, 2.10: A distinction has to be made between the person in the supply chain which imports or domestically places a relevant product on the EU market and persons further down the supply chain: If a person places on the EU market a relevant product manufactured or produced in the EU, it is thereby supplying the product on the market for the first time. A supply presupposes an agreement (written or verbal) between two or more legal or natural persons for the transfer of ownership or any other property right concerning the product in question; it requires that the product has been manufactured or that the commodity, if placed on the market without manufacturing, has been produced (see Art. 2(14) EUDR). Such an activity is relevant under the EUDR, no matter if the relevant product is placed on the market for a) the purpose of processing, b) distribution to commercial or non-commercial consumers or c) use in the business of the operator itself (see Art. 2(19) EUDR). The company is an operator and needs to exercise due diligence and submit a DDS.
FAQs: 3.5. What are the obligations of SME operators further down the supply chain? (NEW) Operators further down the supply chain are those who either transform a product listed in Annex I (which has already been subjected to due diligence) into another product listed in Annex I or export a product listed in Annex I (which has already been subjected to due diligence). SME operators further down the supply chain retain legal responsibility in the event of a breach of the Regulation. However, in respect of parts of their products that have been subject to a due diligence, they are neither required to a) exercise due diligence for parts of their products that were already subject of due diligence exercise; nor to b) submit a due diligence statement in the Information System (Art. 4(8) EUDR). But they still have to provide due diligence reference numbers obtained from previous steps in the supply chain upon request of the competent authorities. For parts of relevant products that have not been subject to due diligence, SME operators should exercise due diligence in full and submit a due diligence statement.
EUDR, Art 4.8: By way of derogation from paragraph 1 of this Article, operators that are SMEs (‘SME operators’) shall not be required to exercise due diligence for relevant products contained in or made from relevant products that have already been subject to due diligence in accordance with paragraph 1 of this Article and for which a due diligence statement has already been submitted in accordance with Article 33. In such cases, SME operators shall provide the competent authorities with the reference number of the due diligence statement upon request. For parts of relevant products that have not been subject to due diligence, the SME operators shall exercise due diligence in accordance with paragraph 1 of this Article.
Nützliche Links:
Europäische Kommission - Leitlinien
Europäische Kommission - FAQs/ Häufig gestellte Fragen
Europäische Kommission - EUDR/DDS Portal